EVENT DESCRIPTION--South Texas Project
From Dec 10, 1987 through June 30, 1988, the diesel generator was being tested for startup. Timing chain oil supply hoses were replaced and hose clips had been added by removing both timing chain covers. It was noticed that start times for the diesel were slower than normal and slower than the others. The vendor found the timing was off and adjusted the timing by 2 LINKS.
The start times came in spec, but were still slow. During a subsequent test, water was observed coming out of the test cocks in cylinders 2L and 7L. These cylinder heads were removed and found to be cracked, allowing jacket water into the cylinder. Further testing was halted until all the cylinders could be checked. 18 OF THE 20 CYLINDER HEADS WERE FOUND TO BE CRACKED.
EVENT DESCRIPTION--South Texas Project
From Dec 10, 1987 through June 30, 1988, the diesel generator was being tested for startup. Timing chain oil supply hoses were replaced and hose clips had been added by removing both timing chain covers. It was noticed that start times for the diesel were slower than normal and slower than the others. The vendor found the timing was off and adjusted the timing by 2 LINKS.
The start times came in spec, but were still slow. During a subsequent test, water was observed coming out of the test cocks in cylinders 2L and 7L. These cylinder heads were removed and found to be cracked, allowing jacket water into the cylinder. Further testing was halted until all the cylinders could be checked. 18 OF THE 20 CYLINDER HEADS WERE FOUND TO BE CRACKED.
The cause of the timing being out of spec was the removal of the timing chain covers.
The cause of the cracking was determined to be the 19 hours of run time with the timing out of spec. The fuel was being injected early. This early injection increased compression pressures and temperatures. This heat of combustion was concentrated at the top of the cylinder for too long, too soon, and too hot. The area overheated and cracked the head
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